Monday, 25 February 2013


I have a lot of projects in progress. Some that date back to my teen years. That doesn't stop me from starting new ones. Right before Christmas I bought a table and chairs set to replace my existing one. This one better matches my "shabby chic" kitchen. One chair is almost done except for the Varnish. Leaving that until last in case I hate it.
My mom finished the first chair for me i used an electric sander on the seat and back. The rest was a heat gun and hand sander. Then we even the wood by rubbing acrylic brown paint in(had sanded with a dremel on one side and is was quite noticeable.). Everything was white washed over with acrylic white paint except for the seat which we left stained by the brown paint. It will match the tabletop.
What do you think?

Monday, 11 February 2013


I'm going to get eye laser surgery and I am scared. I'm not scared of it going horribly wrong. I'm scared my passing out will return. I almost fainted getting my spinal having O and It just isn't a nice experience. Of course, if I faint during the consultation I may have it out of my system! Kind of like I did when they were reading me the disclaimer for my wisdom teeth. Apparently I missed the part about permanently losing feeling in half my tongue... For this procedure I keep reminding myself I have had two pregnancies ending in c-sections and a hernia repair without actually fainting. Yay for me! And those things are a lot more involved than this.

Something to look forward to when I got is seeing family and buying a new wardrobe. Apparently I need knew clothes (attached photo).

Something I know I should look forward to but I'm not is leaving my babies at home. They have had sleep overs at the grandmothers' places and I've even went a couple days. But a week of being farther than 30 miles from them is hard. But clothes shopping and having surgery with a 1 and 2 year old is even harder.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Aspartame- Evil or Good?

I would vote neither, unless you suffer with Migraines. Until recently that is. While I don't buy the whole hype against Aspartame as a lot of it is based on people over indulging on it and would require over the top consumption, I have recently been reading studies from both sides on it and there is one thing that has turned me away from aspartame.

"They" claim that it does not cause headaches/ migraines. They even go as far to say if you get one it is a placebo effect. Ummmm....

so your telling me that as a child when I got headaches after a fresco and had no idea Aspartame was supposed to be bad for you I was having a placebo effect?


I remember when my mother and I first linked the migraines to Aspartame. Mom had accidentally bought sugar free ice cream. I had a big dish of it and very shortly after had the sharpest, most severe migraine I had had to date. I remember grabbing my head and crying. I told my mom it felt very close to when I would drink a fresco only more severe this time. That was when we realized that Aspartame and me didn't mix well.

I have had other occurrences since then. When I would drink a diet pop because I decided it was in my head (well duh, that is where migraines happen). Or most recently when I was eating the chewy Gravol ginger candies while pregnant with O. Was having a persistent migraine. While sitting reading the box (I tend to read things when I am waiting) I learned that there was Aspartame in them.

This could have been all coincidence I am sure. I suffer with migraines. Air pressure being a big problem. And probably many other triggers I have such as stress, lack of sleep and O screaming all day. But, I know I am "allergic" even though the company may try to discredit people actually having a migraine from their product.

Because of this I don't trust them. Or the FDA. Or Health Canada. And if they try to cover this up you got to wonder how many other wackjobs and conspirators are actually right in their wildly ridiculous claims.

My conclusion on Aspartame before this was if you didn't get migraines don't worry about it. Don't believe all the hype against it... because seriously some of it is complete bullocks. Now my conclusion is pretty much the same except I say don't consume it. Not until they decide to admit that yes, some people can react negatively to it.

And if we "do everything in moderation"... I'd say enjoy sugar in all it's goodness... in moderation... like I said...