Friday, 7 October 2011

Packing, laundry, blogging instead of packing.

Tomorrow my husband, daughter, mother-in-law and I leave for Niagara Falls. And I have so much to do I am doing what I usually do when I feel overwhelmed... procrastinating. It is an awful trait and the only way to get over it is NOT to procrastinate. Obviously I need more will power in this area.

The trip was my idea. I had my usual itchy feet to travel and even though we haven't got our investment from the sale of our previous home I just had to book this trip. Dassa, my daughter, is free right now to fly and for most things and I am not so huge that traveling is uncomfortable. I don't know when the next vacation will get to be.

 Hadassah just came from her room with the Calico Critters bride and groom dolls that graced my wedding cake. she is making them kiss and very exaggerated kissing noises.  At least they are

So, the cats and farm are being watched by a young man who I still see as being a small boy. But he has a full time job, is over six feet and 19yrs old. The puppy is at my mother's place and I am "packing."

I hate packing. But worse than packing is unpacking. The one downfall to travel. Thinking about after the trip.

But enough of that. I must get off my rear and start packing. Honestly, I think the whole point of this post was to motivate me to start packing... I apologize to my readers suffering through it.


  1. I am always ready to help people procrastinate from packing ;-) I hate it too. Hadassah is so cute! That made me smile. I hope you guys have a great time. Niagara is on my unwritten bucket list.

  2. I am so jealous of you guys getting to go! I hope the trip is going well! And hopefully we get to visit over Christmas since you decided to abandon me for Thanksgiving :P
