Friday, 23 December 2011

Waiting and smart phones

Today is my gestational diabetes confirmation test. Two hours of waiting on an empty stomach. Let me tell you I am very thankful for my iPhone. I can play games, check email, surf the net and blog. I could also talk on the phone but really who uses there smart phones to do that? Besides the fact that one sides conversation are a big irritant in waiting rooms. There is even a psychological reason for that but I will spare you what it is (though it is quite interesting)

For me it is only one for sleep until Christmas. Tomorrow is presents and turkey at my parents. I am not ashamed to tell you I am super excited. And not just because this will be the squirt's second Christmas
But also because I love presents and seeing people open presents and I love turkey... And apple pie...

Take care everyone and if I don't blog until after the weekend, Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

90% chance

Of a boy. Baby still wasn't being fully cooperative but I think 90% is pretty high.

In other news Dassa and I have been so social the last couple of days in looking forward to a day home tomorrow. Of course my house is upside down but that is nothing new. Yesterday I put away a load of laundry from two weeks ago and wondered where time goes.

But things have been lovely. Great visits with friends and no itching. I have much to be thankful for.

A prayer request I do have is that my sugar levels drop. I have to have a gestational diabetes test Friday. The two hour one.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Just a little longer

But I try not to think about it. Instead I think about Christmas next weekend and how it is already practically here. And after that I will think about the New Year. After that is Dassa's second birthday and then I can think about Baby finally being yanked from my womb (doesn't that just sound wonderful). What I try not to think about is no more sleep, recovering from surgery, making sure Dassa receives lots of love and of course having to have a hernia operation...

Instead I think about getting my body back to a size I am comfortable with, no longer having aching hips and having my hormones quiet it down a little bit. My husband pointed out to me today that he knew we were having a boy because I was so hormonal this pregnancy... I'm allowed to say that but hearing it from him well, I swallowed the angry words rising to my mouth and remained silent.

This will be our last natural child. Perhaps we will adopt or foster in the future but we do know we are done. Do I feel any pangs over this decision? No, not really. Right now the pregnancy is a walk in the park compared to when I was 32 weeks with Hadassah but even that isn't enough. Matt and I feel that two kids is really quite good. The world has got expensive, I am a terrible pregnant person and I honestly don't want to put myself through this again.

It is funny how we change our minds. Before my first pregnancy in the land of sunshine and roses we wanted five kids. During my pregnancy with Hadassah that number dropped rapidly to two. It never went back up. And do you know what my only disappointment is? That I don't get to use all the wonderful names I have! And due to Dassa's allergies I can't even collect cats and name them. Instead I guess we'll have to go with chickens.

I still plan to encourage and harass other people that they should have more kids. So long as nothing has been done to make that impossible I'll be all about other people having lots of babies. Hypocritical? maybe. But if anyone turns it back on me I'll just smile and say: "It is called Tubal Litigation, no more babies for me!"

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


First off, I would like everyone to pray for my friend Ashley Bakke. Her nephew was in a serious car accident. Her blog is here
I can't make the link things on my phone and I am feeling too lazy to open my computer.

Today I was icky and tired. Not terrible but I did hardly anything. Which means, unfortunately, my daughter watched a lot of tv. She watched tv this morning when I just wanted to snuggle with her on the couch. She watched tv after her nap when I had to let my horses in to eat. And she watched tv while I cooked supper (my one and only accomplishment today)

Days like today I feel I am a bad mother. I try not to rely on the tv and I do quite well for a time and then it is just so easy. I usually put it in when I go outside and make dinner but that is it. Even that makes me feel guilty.

I did, however feel very accomplished over my supper. It has been hard trying to cook with Dassa's allergies. Sometimes I just don't want to. Thankfully since finding that our health food store does carry Earth Balance I was able to buy their soy free vegan butter. Having a butter replacement is huge because for some things oil or Lard just do not substitute in well. I am learning though to look at a recipe and think of how I can make it soy and dairy free. Supper tonight was baked Basa fish, steamed dill carrots and basmati rice. Hadassah loved the fish and rice (topped with my mom's dairy free, homemade ranch dressing) but I had to make her eat her carrot. She is getting better. She only had angry tears with the first bite!

One upside to this cooking is most things are a lot less fattening. This is an upside for Matt and I of course. Dassa could use a little more fat.

The fish was easy to prepare. I placed two basa filets in a casserole dish that was greased with Safeway brand canola oil pan spray (PAM is with soy). I then drizzled lemon juice over the top so that there was just a thin layer lying in the dish. I drizzled melted Dassa butter over the top (about a tbs) and them sprinkled dried parsley flakes and pepper over that. I added chopped fresh garlic to the top of the fish as well (four cloves). It cooked at 375 F for 30 minutes and was done. Tasted pretty good!

I do enjoy when a meal turn out!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Pity party

Every year my husband's work has a Christmas party. We eat out, do a gift exchange, bowl and then have an after party. The highlights are the food and gift exchange but especially the food! This year for unknown reasons (I hope that it was just all the restaurants booked up) they are skipping the restaurant and ordering pizza in at 9. Pizza and bowling for a Christmas party! So now I am at home while Matt goes pouting. This party is something I have always looked forward too and now they have left the worst part of the party the whole part. The boring, drunken bowling. Last year it was awful and I decided this year I wouldn't stay for that part. And then this happened...

So my post today is merely the rant of a disappointed pregnant woman. I think perhaps I should have went somewhere for the evening to keep my mind off it. Instead I will try to lose myself in BBC period pieces.

Oh, to be Canadian

I was just reading a comment on my husband's facebook about our odd shaped bacon. I don't know about you but when I hear the word bacon I don't think of Canadian Bacon (back bacon) I think of well, bacon, bacon. The truth of the matter is I was an adult before I even heard of the term Canadian Bacon. And we raised pigs! But this wasn't because we called back bacon plain old bacon it was because it was called back bacon. And we did not eat it very often. So, perhaps Back bacon was a Canadian concept that our American friends decided to honour us with the name but now in usual stereotype ignorance it has become the concept that if you come to Canada and you try to buy bacon you are not going to bacon, bacon but rather back bacon.

Just so you know, I am in no way craving bacon. In fact, bacon is greasy and gross and better left uneaten...

That was my in depth rant on Canadian Bacon. And just so you know, even though I call cheese slices 'American Cheese' I in no way think it is what all American Cheese is like. I merely honour them with the invention of those plastic squares.

Hadassah burnt her finger tips on the wood stove last night but is recovering well. She is using her hands and the blisters are staying closed. Connie has gone to her new home and I only choked up a little. I feel really good about it and I know I made the right decision.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Vegan Soy free

I am not vegan... not in the least. Nor could I ever be. Caring that much about everything you put into your mouth is quite stressful not to mention I like meat and dairy and eggs and... well you get the point. But finding dairy free and soy free recipes can be quite daunting. Sometimes they are gluten free as well which I do not need but at least it is something. I then discovered that if I searched Vegan Soy free I could get a lot of recipes. And it is easy to add meat to things!

Here is the Spinach Dip I made for the Christmas Party at my house last Saturday
Spinach and Artichoke Dip

I topped it with Daiya cheesse and popped it in the oven for the heated flavour. Hadassah loves it and in comparison to regular Spinach Dip it is super healthy. If no one told you that it was cheeseless I doubt you would guess.

Sunday I tried making Butternut Squash soup but it didn't turn out as well. The recipe called for too much spice. It turned out bitter so I had to add sugar. Matt didn't care for it but Hadassah ate it and Chrisanne had some today and loved it. My recommendation would be to cut back on the spice and then ad to taste. I also added Basil but I don't know if you would need that if your soup didn't turn out bitter.

So that has been my great cooking feats!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The better decision

Sometimes it seems that the more going on in my life the less I have time to share it. I have mentally started many posts over the last weekend but never actually got any of them down. Friday a young girl and her family came to look at Connie. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I was contacted about her through an ad I forgot was still up. I had no plans to sell her since buying our farm but this young girl was everything I had hoped for in a new owner. 14, ready to graduate from her pony and wanting to jump. I really didn't expect much as many people before when I were selling were far more interested in Lass who is pretty as opposed to Connie who isn't as stunning but trained. People can be so stupid and that is a whole other rant but seriously, put your child on a trained horse not just a pretty one. Pretty does not mean safe or even for that matter anything in jumping...

Anyhows, the girl turned out to be a very confident rider and did fabulous on Connie. And I had this knowing that they would be buying her. On Sunday they offered me a low offer which I refused. Monday they paid what I was asking but including tax. I hung up the phone and cried and my mom hugged me. I feel good that she is going somewhere she will be loved and ridden a lot more than I have time for but it still hurts. I prayed about this a lot and I knew that for Connie this was the best decision. She is the the type of horse that thrives under attention. And while I doubt she has been complaining about being a pasture pet she came to life with the young girl out riding her in a field.

Friday they pick her up. Friday I say goodbye. But what hurts the most is I won't even be able to take a farewell ride on her. A tight hug will have to do.

I think I need to go cry. I will blog the rest of my weekend later.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Here I sit to blog a bit...

With only my darkened Christmas tree and unborn child for company. Pets are outside, husband is at work, daughter is at Grandma's farm and the power is out. The nasty high winds have taken their toll at last and BCHydro is saying no power until 1am. I'm just glad town is still on because Matt and I planned to go out for supper. Otherwise I'd be cooking on the wood stove.

Had my ultra sound today to check Baby's foot. All is well and we also got a cute picture of his profile. I wasn't worried about it but I'm still glad that it is done. Not as glad as I am that my Rhogam shot is done.

I also found a lot of foods for Dassa at the health food store. Coconut ice cream and my missing ingredients to make her her soy and milk free spinach and artichoke dip. I will post the recipe if it turns out to be yummy.