I am not vegan... not in the least. Nor could I ever be. Caring that much about everything you put into your mouth is quite stressful not to mention I like meat and dairy and eggs and... well you get the point. But finding dairy free and soy free recipes can be quite daunting. Sometimes they are gluten free as well which I do not need but at least it is something. I then discovered that if I searched Vegan Soy free I could get a lot of recipes. And it is easy to add meat to things!
Here is the Spinach Dip I made for the Christmas Party at my house last Saturday
Spinach and Artichoke Dip
I topped it with Daiya cheesse and popped it in the oven for the heated flavour. Hadassah loves it and in comparison to regular Spinach Dip it is super healthy. If no one told you that it was cheeseless I doubt you would guess.
Sunday I tried making Butternut Squash soup but it didn't turn out as well. The recipe called for too much spice. It turned out bitter so I had to add sugar. Matt didn't care for it but Hadassah ate it and Chrisanne had some today and loved it. My recommendation would be to cut back on the spice and then ad to taste. I also added Basil but I don't know if you would need that if your soup didn't turn out bitter.
So that has been my great cooking feats!
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