Friday, 23 December 2011

Waiting and smart phones

Today is my gestational diabetes confirmation test. Two hours of waiting on an empty stomach. Let me tell you I am very thankful for my iPhone. I can play games, check email, surf the net and blog. I could also talk on the phone but really who uses there smart phones to do that? Besides the fact that one sides conversation are a big irritant in waiting rooms. There is even a psychological reason for that but I will spare you what it is (though it is quite interesting)

For me it is only one for sleep until Christmas. Tomorrow is presents and turkey at my parents. I am not ashamed to tell you I am super excited. And not just because this will be the squirt's second Christmas
But also because I love presents and seeing people open presents and I love turkey... And apple pie...

Take care everyone and if I don't blog until after the weekend, Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

90% chance

Of a boy. Baby still wasn't being fully cooperative but I think 90% is pretty high.

In other news Dassa and I have been so social the last couple of days in looking forward to a day home tomorrow. Of course my house is upside down but that is nothing new. Yesterday I put away a load of laundry from two weeks ago and wondered where time goes.

But things have been lovely. Great visits with friends and no itching. I have much to be thankful for.

A prayer request I do have is that my sugar levels drop. I have to have a gestational diabetes test Friday. The two hour one.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Just a little longer

But I try not to think about it. Instead I think about Christmas next weekend and how it is already practically here. And after that I will think about the New Year. After that is Dassa's second birthday and then I can think about Baby finally being yanked from my womb (doesn't that just sound wonderful). What I try not to think about is no more sleep, recovering from surgery, making sure Dassa receives lots of love and of course having to have a hernia operation...

Instead I think about getting my body back to a size I am comfortable with, no longer having aching hips and having my hormones quiet it down a little bit. My husband pointed out to me today that he knew we were having a boy because I was so hormonal this pregnancy... I'm allowed to say that but hearing it from him well, I swallowed the angry words rising to my mouth and remained silent.

This will be our last natural child. Perhaps we will adopt or foster in the future but we do know we are done. Do I feel any pangs over this decision? No, not really. Right now the pregnancy is a walk in the park compared to when I was 32 weeks with Hadassah but even that isn't enough. Matt and I feel that two kids is really quite good. The world has got expensive, I am a terrible pregnant person and I honestly don't want to put myself through this again.

It is funny how we change our minds. Before my first pregnancy in the land of sunshine and roses we wanted five kids. During my pregnancy with Hadassah that number dropped rapidly to two. It never went back up. And do you know what my only disappointment is? That I don't get to use all the wonderful names I have! And due to Dassa's allergies I can't even collect cats and name them. Instead I guess we'll have to go with chickens.

I still plan to encourage and harass other people that they should have more kids. So long as nothing has been done to make that impossible I'll be all about other people having lots of babies. Hypocritical? maybe. But if anyone turns it back on me I'll just smile and say: "It is called Tubal Litigation, no more babies for me!"

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


First off, I would like everyone to pray for my friend Ashley Bakke. Her nephew was in a serious car accident. Her blog is here
I can't make the link things on my phone and I am feeling too lazy to open my computer.

Today I was icky and tired. Not terrible but I did hardly anything. Which means, unfortunately, my daughter watched a lot of tv. She watched tv this morning when I just wanted to snuggle with her on the couch. She watched tv after her nap when I had to let my horses in to eat. And she watched tv while I cooked supper (my one and only accomplishment today)

Days like today I feel I am a bad mother. I try not to rely on the tv and I do quite well for a time and then it is just so easy. I usually put it in when I go outside and make dinner but that is it. Even that makes me feel guilty.

I did, however feel very accomplished over my supper. It has been hard trying to cook with Dassa's allergies. Sometimes I just don't want to. Thankfully since finding that our health food store does carry Earth Balance I was able to buy their soy free vegan butter. Having a butter replacement is huge because for some things oil or Lard just do not substitute in well. I am learning though to look at a recipe and think of how I can make it soy and dairy free. Supper tonight was baked Basa fish, steamed dill carrots and basmati rice. Hadassah loved the fish and rice (topped with my mom's dairy free, homemade ranch dressing) but I had to make her eat her carrot. She is getting better. She only had angry tears with the first bite!

One upside to this cooking is most things are a lot less fattening. This is an upside for Matt and I of course. Dassa could use a little more fat.

The fish was easy to prepare. I placed two basa filets in a casserole dish that was greased with Safeway brand canola oil pan spray (PAM is with soy). I then drizzled lemon juice over the top so that there was just a thin layer lying in the dish. I drizzled melted Dassa butter over the top (about a tbs) and them sprinkled dried parsley flakes and pepper over that. I added chopped fresh garlic to the top of the fish as well (four cloves). It cooked at 375 F for 30 minutes and was done. Tasted pretty good!

I do enjoy when a meal turn out!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Pity party

Every year my husband's work has a Christmas party. We eat out, do a gift exchange, bowl and then have an after party. The highlights are the food and gift exchange but especially the food! This year for unknown reasons (I hope that it was just all the restaurants booked up) they are skipping the restaurant and ordering pizza in at 9. Pizza and bowling for a Christmas party! So now I am at home while Matt goes pouting. This party is something I have always looked forward too and now they have left the worst part of the party the whole part. The boring, drunken bowling. Last year it was awful and I decided this year I wouldn't stay for that part. And then this happened...

So my post today is merely the rant of a disappointed pregnant woman. I think perhaps I should have went somewhere for the evening to keep my mind off it. Instead I will try to lose myself in BBC period pieces.

Oh, to be Canadian

I was just reading a comment on my husband's facebook about our odd shaped bacon. I don't know about you but when I hear the word bacon I don't think of Canadian Bacon (back bacon) I think of well, bacon, bacon. The truth of the matter is I was an adult before I even heard of the term Canadian Bacon. And we raised pigs! But this wasn't because we called back bacon plain old bacon it was because it was called back bacon. And we did not eat it very often. So, perhaps Back bacon was a Canadian concept that our American friends decided to honour us with the name but now in usual stereotype ignorance it has become the concept that if you come to Canada and you try to buy bacon you are not going to bacon, bacon but rather back bacon.

Just so you know, I am in no way craving bacon. In fact, bacon is greasy and gross and better left uneaten...

That was my in depth rant on Canadian Bacon. And just so you know, even though I call cheese slices 'American Cheese' I in no way think it is what all American Cheese is like. I merely honour them with the invention of those plastic squares.

Hadassah burnt her finger tips on the wood stove last night but is recovering well. She is using her hands and the blisters are staying closed. Connie has gone to her new home and I only choked up a little. I feel really good about it and I know I made the right decision.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Vegan Soy free

I am not vegan... not in the least. Nor could I ever be. Caring that much about everything you put into your mouth is quite stressful not to mention I like meat and dairy and eggs and... well you get the point. But finding dairy free and soy free recipes can be quite daunting. Sometimes they are gluten free as well which I do not need but at least it is something. I then discovered that if I searched Vegan Soy free I could get a lot of recipes. And it is easy to add meat to things!

Here is the Spinach Dip I made for the Christmas Party at my house last Saturday
Spinach and Artichoke Dip

I topped it with Daiya cheesse and popped it in the oven for the heated flavour. Hadassah loves it and in comparison to regular Spinach Dip it is super healthy. If no one told you that it was cheeseless I doubt you would guess.

Sunday I tried making Butternut Squash soup but it didn't turn out as well. The recipe called for too much spice. It turned out bitter so I had to add sugar. Matt didn't care for it but Hadassah ate it and Chrisanne had some today and loved it. My recommendation would be to cut back on the spice and then ad to taste. I also added Basil but I don't know if you would need that if your soup didn't turn out bitter.

So that has been my great cooking feats!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The better decision

Sometimes it seems that the more going on in my life the less I have time to share it. I have mentally started many posts over the last weekend but never actually got any of them down. Friday a young girl and her family came to look at Connie. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I was contacted about her through an ad I forgot was still up. I had no plans to sell her since buying our farm but this young girl was everything I had hoped for in a new owner. 14, ready to graduate from her pony and wanting to jump. I really didn't expect much as many people before when I were selling were far more interested in Lass who is pretty as opposed to Connie who isn't as stunning but trained. People can be so stupid and that is a whole other rant but seriously, put your child on a trained horse not just a pretty one. Pretty does not mean safe or even for that matter anything in jumping...

Anyhows, the girl turned out to be a very confident rider and did fabulous on Connie. And I had this knowing that they would be buying her. On Sunday they offered me a low offer which I refused. Monday they paid what I was asking but including tax. I hung up the phone and cried and my mom hugged me. I feel good that she is going somewhere she will be loved and ridden a lot more than I have time for but it still hurts. I prayed about this a lot and I knew that for Connie this was the best decision. She is the the type of horse that thrives under attention. And while I doubt she has been complaining about being a pasture pet she came to life with the young girl out riding her in a field.

Friday they pick her up. Friday I say goodbye. But what hurts the most is I won't even be able to take a farewell ride on her. A tight hug will have to do.

I think I need to go cry. I will blog the rest of my weekend later.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Here I sit to blog a bit...

With only my darkened Christmas tree and unborn child for company. Pets are outside, husband is at work, daughter is at Grandma's farm and the power is out. The nasty high winds have taken their toll at last and BCHydro is saying no power until 1am. I'm just glad town is still on because Matt and I planned to go out for supper. Otherwise I'd be cooking on the wood stove.

Had my ultra sound today to check Baby's foot. All is well and we also got a cute picture of his profile. I wasn't worried about it but I'm still glad that it is done. Not as glad as I am that my Rhogam shot is done.

I also found a lot of foods for Dassa at the health food store. Coconut ice cream and my missing ingredients to make her her soy and milk free spinach and artichoke dip. I will post the recipe if it turns out to be yummy.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Phenomenom of Pregnant Bellies

Pregnant bellies are really an entity onto themselves. Well, I know that the baby inside is an entity but that shape of a belly. It gets you looks, it gets you seats, it gets you a break. Sometimes it can apparently get complete stranger's touching you. I have never had this happen to myself but I hear it is a common pregnancy complaint.

 Now, I could tell you all about the little person inside my belly and how he is constantly on the go. But no, this post is inspired by another problem my belly poses. It refuses to remain covered. I am not sure if this is a problem others have had when pregnant but for me it is constant. I pull my maternity pants up and my shirt down and over time of be not paying attention I notice my belly is getting cold... and I go through the process again. The only way I can escape this is by wearing my Roxy shirts that hang down below by bottom. Thankfully those have not decided to ride up.

On this very serious vein, I have changed my mind about what we are naming our son. It occurred during watching Cranford last Friday night. The name is Septimus. Well, everyone decided why stop there? Why not call him the whole thing: Lord Septimus. Awesome? Yes, I think so. I mean, who would tease a little guy called Lord Septimus Eugene Klysko? For some reason Matt is balking at my idea...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

More tests...

Today I went to my family doctor to discuss Hadassah's allergies. He actually hadn't received those from the pediatrician yet but he did have her Insulin-like Growth Factor results back. I have no idea what that is and even googling it has not made me understand more. But what I did get was my family doctor and Hadassah's pediatrician would be discussing tests to do on this.

As to the allergies he recommended we try putting the cats out and see how she does. If we notice a big change in her then they stay out. If when we reintroduce them and she doesn't show signs of discomfort than no worries. He also suggested checking out the more hypo-allergenic breeds. So my two kitties days are numbered in the house. I'm sure they will not be impressed but they better be glad. They could be going to the SPCA.

If everyone could pray for Hadassah to have a complete healing of everything that would be great. Also, please pray for the babies foot that if it is gimpy it will be healed as well. Thursday is the ultra-sound for that. And I get my RhoGAM® shot. Always fun to have a needle in the butt.

On the up side my mom is taking my sweet toddler for the day and night so Matt and I can go to Lodge night and enjoy half priced appies.  Mmmmm...  appies.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Merry Christmas

Yes, my tree is up! And Hadassah woke up from her nap and had one word, wow. She loves it and has just finished feeding her play cupcake to the ornaments within reach. I guess they were looking hungry. Star isn't up yet as I thought safer for Matt to do it than me. I had visions of the belly causing me to lose balance and crashing into the tree.

This little post is being made from my phone because of something that happened yesterday morning. It involved cereal milk and my laptop. Don't worry, Panoramix (my MacBook) is going to live. I got the battery out before it fried and delivered it to my husband who was having a slow day at work. There are many benefits to being married to a computer tech. The big news in this is I didn't even cry. And if there was ever a time to cry over spilled milk this would have been it. While my computer thoroughly dries I decided to take the time to download the Blogger app. Which by the ways took under a minute to find and download... The things we procrastinate on.

Sleepover was great fun last night. Oil fondue was good (how can it ever be otherwise). Chocolate suited my cravings (I may have just eaten chocolate of a spoon). Cranford was delightful for the third time though I really need to see Return to Cranford.

Yay! Three days without whining!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

A better day

I thought I better post an uplifting topic as I have been a little bit of a downer lately. Thank you everyone for your prayers. They have been felt. Today was a good day. Dassa ate better and was herself. She even had hummus for a snack. She threw a fit over supper but then did eat some of it. I also got a lot down. I made a stew for supper and did the laundry. I also did some organizing and house cleaning as well. And my daily walk to the barnyard to let my horses in to eat was down in much nicer weather. All in all, it was a nice break.

Tomorrow is a girl's night at my mom's which I am super excited about. Sometimes I feel like those sort of things are long ago in the past. But I brought it up to mom and she agreed we were due for one. We will be watching Cranford, having an oil and chocolate fondue and then a sleepover. Jealous? You should be!

And to show you what a good wife I am I even arranged fun for my husband. It all started when I accidentally texted a friend of his a message meant for Hubby. Not one of those messages. I realized right away that I had told my husband's friend that he had forgot his lunch. We got chatting and it came up that he should come over to hang out Friday night because the squirt and I would be gone and Matt would be all alone. It is nice, I don't even have to feel guilty for having fun and being social while my poor husband is at home, friendless.

So you see, nothing negative to report here. And I promise to try very hard to be more uplifting in the future!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Mommy is okay, dear.

Hadassah hates it when I cry. She comes over to me and gives me a hug and talks in her special trying to make me feel better voice. Today I cried, a lot. I cried when she was shaking from lack of food this morning but I could hardly get her to eat her porridge. I cried when I read the ingredients on food and soy was in everything dairy wasn't. I cried when all she wanted to do was lay on me and sleep even though she didn't get up until 9:30. I cried when I didn't want to do anything around the house but knew I should. I cried when the car wouldn't start so my evening hanging out with Matt and friends while Grandma Hedy babysat was ruined, and I couldn't get food she could eat.

I am exhausted. There is nothing more tiring than wallowing in self pity all day. That and trying to figure out how to get your toddler to eat. She did eat eventually and I must tell you her mood improved drastically. Lipton's chicken noodle soup does not contain anything she can't have (though I am not impressed with MSG I will ignore that ingredient for now). After only a few of the noodles she started chattering. She wanted down. She wanted to play. I gave up on a clean house and placed the bowl of tiny noodles on an end table and let her pick at them. Then she just stayed there eating them so I moved her to a high chair. She was buzzed. She told me a lot of stories. She told her Father when he got home a lot of stories. She wanted to play. My mood improved drastically!

Even though I was exhausted I took my husband's work car in to get groceries. I was pretty sure I was going to be spending a lot of money on foods she could eat but thankfully it was only just over $100. Now whether she will actually eat anything I bought is another question entirely. She did seem pretty excited about the Cheerios.

In other news I have decided to not worry about the pet allergies. Her nose isn't running, her eczema is only on her cheeks and the Aveeno seems to help. She isn't wheezing anymore. And I have a lot to work on in the food area. So, I allowed my cats to come back in and they were very grateful. Of course Dassa buried her faceing Cleo's soft belly. But she didn't get a rash or any other noticeable reaction. I controlled myself from stopping her.

The toddler bed transition has gone smooth. No getting out since the first time we put her in, even at naps.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Another blow

Today I got a phone call from Hadassah's pediatrician. Her allergy tests are back and showed that she is highly allergic to cats, dogs, horses. You know, the three different animals we own. She also has a severe allergy to milk and soy, something I hought she was over. Her peanut allergy is slight but best avoided.

So for now, prayer is what we need. I feel a little discouraged.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Big girl bed

Tonight is Hadassah's first night in a toddler bed. Today we picked her up the Disney Princess Canopy bed from walmart. She cried but that isn't uncommon for her. She often cries at bedtime. After getting out twice she has remained put for 45 minutes. Hopefully it goes smoothly tonight but I can tell you I am filled with all sorts of doubts. I hear her chatting away in her room (as she usually does) but I really want to go and peek in on her but I am controlling myself.

I find that these big steps in parenting for me are filled with so much doubt. Everyone has a different opinion on when a child is read for this or that. Of course many people admit each child is unique and you as the parent will "know".  It is that knowing that I struggle with. Is Hadassah old enough for a toddler bed? Is Hadassah old enough to know she has to eat the food she doesn't like? Is she old enough not to know she shouldn't suck her thumb? Everyone will have a different opinion on it but you as a the parent make the decision for your child. It is the decision making that I struggle with. The guilt that I am asking too much or too little. The knowledge that as a parent I am going to make (and have made) mistakes troubles me.

But for now, Dassa is safe and sound in her bed (I hope) and I am ready for my own bed. The decision to put her in a toddler bed is made (and to avoid the change happening when Baby is ready for to graduate from the bassinet). Now let us see if I can actually get sleep tonight.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

80% chance

of a boy...  honestly, I think that he (my gyno/ob) randomly picks a percentage. He said not to give away any girl clothes yet and he also told the ladies at the desk to make another appointment for me in 5 weeks. So, he can't be that sure. Which makes me unsure. For now we are saying baby is a boy, Eugene David Klysko.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Hernias and Inhalers

Dassa and I both had to see our doctor today. Her for the wheezing and me for the suspicious lump at my belly button. She was prescribed Ventolin and it was confirmed that I do have an umbilical hernia. I like to think of us as being healthy but it appears that is being pushed lately. The hernia was just another blow even though I knew it was one somehow hearing it made it ten times worse. No lifting or straining. And it can't be fixed until after my c-section. Which means that I will be going back into surgery while I have a new born and a 2yr old.

The desire to just break down and cry is strong. I want to have faith and believe I will be healed but I just feel blah. It is another step towards our decision of only having two kids as well. I just am not a good pregnant lady.

I feel as though this roller coaster I am on just won't stop and there is no way to get off. Thankfully, I always feel later and just need to get myself a good night's rest.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Arriving home.

Today I came home after being gone since yesterday morning. I came home to a house in better shape than I left it. The stuff piled in the entry was put away, the carpet's were vacuumed, and the laundry was finished and put away. Even the bed was made neatly. I know that I am blessed with the best husband ever but times like these really remind me how much that is true.

About five minutes later I was yelling at him in frustration (he wasn't actually here) because I could not get the lid off the mayo jar. Once again I am reminded of how much we (or at least I) love to dwell on the negative. My husband had did far beyond what was necessary and yet one tiny little thing caused me to forget it and want to through a jar at his head. Let's just say I felt very convicted and did not mention the mayo jar when he got home but rather told him how glad I was to have all the stuff out of the entry and a tidy house. I also baked him brownies...

Okay, okay, the brownies were backed yesterday with a young friend and they were more for our sweet tooth than kindness towards everyone else. But I shared the brownies and that is saying a lot because they are quite good (thank you, Erica).

Which leads me to another interesting observation, though perhaps far less deep, that I have had recently. Remember how I said I was doing better weight wise this time around even though I started the pregnancy heavier? Well, I have recently discovered I am having a craving. During my pregnancy with Dassa I lost my taste for chocolate and ice cream. Something I didn't really get back until now. Now I love chocolate and ice cream. Pictures of chocolate cake make me desperate to for a piece. So I have decided that chocolate and ice cream are not as fattening as chili dogs and gravy, my Hadassah cravings. Or perhaps I just eat less of the sweet stuff.

Still haven't had many guesses on the baby. Two days until we find out so get your guesses in!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Case of the Disappearing November

I was pretty sure November just started and yet on Monday my husband gets his mid month cheque. Not that I am complaining about payday. Actually, I'm not complaining at all it was just a huge surprise. The only anxiety I feel over this fleeting month is I really wanted to have my tree up early and now I wonder if that will happen. Honestly, I am sure someone who is 6mths pregnant will never complain about time going too fast.

February 10th is the latest they will let me go with this pregnancy. That means it is now under three months until baby is born. December is always such a swift month too that really the only month I have to survive is January. And then of course I have to survive having a newborn and a 2yr old.

But, time is going fast enough as it is. For now, I really know I need to focus on enjoying the now. Despite the aching and emotional roller coaster I am. Despite the nausea that persists. Despite a toddler who cannot seem to kick a cold. Despite an overworked under appreciated husband. Despite the financial losses. All these things that bombard the mind and cause such despair.

There are always so many things to be thankful for. We have a beautiful farm. We have no life threatening illnesses. We have vehicles that run. The weather has been mild saving us money on heating and power. I have a healthy child growing inside of me (a friend recently lost her baby at 21 weeks) and it breaks my heart for her. It makes me feel guilty for complaining about any discomforts I may have as my baby is well and thriving). The good definitely outweighs the bad and it is the good that I need to learn to focus on and thank God for!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The volatile pregnant lady

If you haven't guessed already I am the volatile pregnant lady. For some reason this pregnancy I have been on a much larger emotional roller coaster. I seem to have less gumption to rein in the tears and I also like to pick fights with my husband. I know I am being unreasonable but I have the hardest time stopping myself! I have to say I have one well used pregnancy card. I can also say my husband is fully with me on the decision of having only two children. In fact, I think he would make the decision without me if I wanted more!

Yesterday was a good example of me being on the edge. We took our daughter to the nearby city to see her pediatrician. It is basically just for him to say she is little, smart and on her own growth curve. But this time he wanted to do some blood work for allergies now that she is a little older and just double check her growth hormone. Her appointment was at 1:30 and we hadn't really got done anything before but I was already exhausted. At the hospital I pulled the pregnancy card when the room was too small for both my husband and I to be in with her and I got to sit in the waiting room. It was a bad move as hearing her screams from another room made me one to run in there and rescue her. In the end they couldn't get enough blood for all the tests and I have to take her in again to give more blood.

For the rest of our city shopping trip we had a very upset little girl who insisted on being carried. I must say my husband and I were definitely very edgy as Dassa spent a lot of time screaming in stores when we were forced to sit her in the cart for a break or just to look at something. She is usually very good in public so we are not used to dealing with her like this in a store. In the end I just wanted to cry. I didn't want to go into another store or even have something different to eat. We went to Mcdonalds and then headed home. I almost didn't want to make our last stop. Which was to pick up our two new cats.

Yes, that is right, we now have five cats. But I am married so cannot be a crazy cat lady!

But in all this I did have a highlight of the day. When we were in the mall and I was feeling like I couldn't take another step I heard someone say, "What a beautiful pregnant woman." Not really thinking it was being said to me but being a pregnant woman  I looked towards the voice to meet the eyes of a middle aged woman. She smiled at me and the said "You are a lovely pregnant person".

I smiled, thanked her and felt much better. I am used to people commenting on my daughter. But her words, words for me only, made me feel special. Something that as a mother and pregnant person I really needed. I thank God for sending her across my path and pray he blesses her for her kindness.

So you see, the smallest thing can brighten someone's day. It is a reminder to me that complimenting people should come as easy and natural to us as censoring or criticizing them.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Another sad day.

Though this time my own life was not affected. Hickstead, gold winning horse for Canada at the 2008 Olympics, died after jumping in Italy. On his way out he collapsed in what appeared to be a heart attack. I love watching this little horse jump and have seen him in real life jumping. I imagine his rider, Eric Lamaze, is quite stricken. Their partnership is not something that happens every day and Hickstead in 2009 took Lamaze to the #1 spot in the world. It is a huge loss for Canada because Hickstead is part of the team that given Canada the edge in international show jumping. We will see how they hold up next year at the 2012 Olympics.

On a happier note our furnace is running thanks to my wonderful father. We have not had to hand over anymore large amounts of cash. The propane bill was also less then quoted which is always nice. Dassa is still not feeling well but much improved. And in a week and a half I have another ultrasound as I am having a scheduled c-section and they like to make sure they have the right dates scheduled. The bonus is it means Matt and I get to learn a little more about the little person inside of me. My guess is a girl. My mom thinks boy. Matt is without opinion. What is your guess?

The link to my album has been fixed. Apparently, google defaults albums to be private. Everyone should be able to see the pictures now.

Friday, 4 November 2011

And it goes on...

Today I work up to my husband standing above me, holding our little girl in his arms, and informing me the furnace stopped working in her half of the trailer.  Let me explain. Our trailer has two propane furnaces in it. One is in the addition which is our room and one is in the original trailer where Hadassah's room is. So, our side of the trailer was nice and toasty while my daughter's side was dropping quickly in -20C weather. (This also happened over night). Thankfully the furnace had not been off long and my daughter was dressed in her fleecy sleeper so she wasn't too cold. But it was not a pleasant start to our morning as my husband could not get it going again.

Both of us worked today and had to get our the door so there was no time to fiddle with the wood stove. I loaded up Logan, his crate, and Dassa into my car and headed over to chase my horses out of the feed. They eat over night from the hay and then get to go eat grass during the day. I decided to check on "cat" who was yowling. I'm not sure if I have mentioned "cat" before but she is a little hairy thing that was homeless and is living in our tack shed. I fed her and decided to get her some water even though she can leave the tack shed and drink from the stock water herself... or she could if it hadn't been frozen solid. Yep, my two stock waters were nothing more than a block ice. But it turned out the breakers for them were just turned off and once they were on they thawed out with now temperament damage. Our furnace isn't so fortunate. Neither is our new to us quad that stopped running...

So my lesson of today is "just keep swimming". And I pray that tomorrow I wake up and nothing else bad has happened.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Well it did snow...

This morning my husband informed me there was a skiff of snow on the ground. He has been very much wanting to use our new quad and blade and push some snow and I think he was excited that it just maybe the start of winter. After all it is afternoon and the skiff of snow is still here. The snow made me smile. The $1000 vet bill did not.

As a pet owner you always have to think about how much you'll spend on your pet before you say enough is enough. It is never that easy though. You see, Logan was in terrible distress and so I took him in yesterday to be checked out. By the time it showed his stomach had a mass in it form the x-rays I had already spent $400 on tests. add that on top of the $400 we paid for him and you got yourself an $800 dog. So not only have you had this puppy for couple months and put time, love and training into it (not to mention my daughter adores him) but you are looking at loosing $800 more. But his surgery could have been very expensive. Thankfully it wasn't so bad and it turned out the mass was only blood. He had already puked up whatever it was he ate. So, the surgery would have been pointless except I was able to get him neutered at the same time. A silver lining I guess. Still, now if anything happens to him further we will be thinking "that is a $1,200 dog." I just pray he stays out of trouble.

Have I ever mentioned how much I like cats?

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

When it rains it snows

or something like that. Not that I would mind snow. In fact, I like snow. During the winter that is. Snow in June can stay away.

Today I have accomplished very little. I did upload photos from our Niagara Falls trip if anyone is interested in taking a boo. My daughter is still not feeling well or at least that is what I hope it is as she is miserable. I am also miserable and have deiced that she must eat something healthy and so she ate two bites of ribs for lunch and that was it. No potatoes and no carrots.

It is very hard for me to not feed her. Specially since she is on a schedule. She has to gain two pounds by the time the baby comes so that she can ride forward facing as her car seat and the infant car seat do not fit well both rear facing. This may not seem like a lot. Surely she should be 20lbs by the time she is 2 but she was 18lbs a month ago so I do have grounds for concern. I suppose I could allow her to have her choice of diet. Pop, chocolate, Pizza, cheese, and all that other fattening stuff. But I do really and truly want her to have a semi-healthy diet.

On top of this annoyance of dealing with an underweight picky eater I have a sick puppy on my hands. Tomorrow he goes to the vet but in the meantime I have to deal with doggie vomit.  Yuck, I have a weak stomach and this is not enjoyable.

At least tonight is my night out to watch a movie at a friends place. My husband can deal with the volatile child and sick dog and I can have a few hours respite. And at least he will be spared dealing with the volatile, pregnant wife.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Revenge of the Epilator

so, second post, I know but I wanted to give an update on epilating. I didn't epilate last week because there was just no growth there (so one point in favour of epilation) and there was still very little today but I went ahead and did it. was fairly swift and only a few slightly tender spots where I am still healing from rashes. I was impressed that for me I did see diminished hair growth and experienced less pain so swiftly. As far as itching goes I don't know yet if it is an improvement. I will need more time so that my legs can heal (so I am really resisting the urge to itch... which probably helps more than the epilating) I also think I should try so exfoliating cream...

The negative part? I razor burnt my one armpit epilating. Now I have done that shaving before so this is no final word on whether or not I will epilate my armpits again. I think they will show if it does hurt less over time because let me tell you. Armpits hurt a lot more than legs! I also did this in front of my husband so that he could understand the pain us women go through... and I offered to let him try the epilator out but he passed.  Wuss.


Sick again. This time with a cold. Nose is plugged, throat a little sore and of course Dassa was off as well. She is truly a little monster when ill. Thankfully today she is feeling better and we can start dealing with the little monster side of her.

Anyways, there isn't much to write because of this, Life is marching on and Christmas is coming quickly.

Christmas... definitely a thought that lifts my mood! I love Christmas. And this year will be Hadassah's second Christmas. I've even had dreams about Christmas gifts we get her (some are pretty crazy... ah, pregnancy dreams)

But, talk of Christmas reminds me that I must get my butt off this couch and get back to the moving in (yes it has been two months and no, I am not even close to finished unpacking.)  Everything must be put away so I can crack out the decorations. That is my inspiration to get things done! So despite the lack of oxygen I am suffering from... here I go!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Beautiful Lights...

My husband and I got home late tonight from our trip to Grande Prairie. We headed out after he got off work to look at a quad. We bought it (so excited) and came home. The Northern Lights were spectacular and as the clouds cleared away the better our view was! When we arrived at our little farm we stood on our lawn and looked up at the right to the very top of the sky and enjoyed the peace and beauty of being on this wonderful piece of property. I came in wanting to share this but before doing that I checked out horse a forum that I frequent.

Recently a member on the forum passed away. She was a mother of two young girls and it has been sad even though I only knew her as an internet person. From what was said without details it appeared to be a sudden tragic death so one assumes car accident. Apparently it actually had been thought to be a horse riding accident that actually turned out to be a brain aneurysm. The whole thing has left me with such a sad feeling that I wonder how exactly a life a didn't know passing can affect me so much.

It is simply really. The knowledge that someone was here, full of life, counted on by many and then, in one small moment of time is gone from the earth is really truly hard to accept. You realize in these moments how much you need to trust and put your faith in God even more because without him what do you have? I understand for some eternity does not bring any comfort. The question and worry whether they will live forever or somehow not pass into heaven. For those people they often give up on the idea of no eternal life and instead embrace all we have is here and now. For me that sort of thinking brings no comfort at all.

I would much rather believe that should I die suddenly and leave my family to live on without me, God will continue to care for them. That I will go to be with him and Heaven and that my family with have the peace knowing that, though they miss me, I am truly in that "better place". I want them to have that comfort.

But it is late and I am afraid my heart is too full. Fully of the beauty of God's nature and of the frailty of our life on earth. I think I better head to bed!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Epilator!

So the title tells all. Unless of course you don't know what an Epilator is...  and now that you have read my handy link you know. Don't you feel smarter?

I decided after an evening of my leg hair regrowth torturing me with itching that I needed to google some help on the subject. It seemed that as dryness and irritation due to the shaving lotion was already ruled out for me I should try waxing or epilating. I've tried waxing and DYI was so annoying and messy I decided never to do it again. And I can't even imagine what salons charge up here if my eyebrows now cost $30!

So, epilation it was. The only problem was that the epilator at walmart was $74.99. I was not going to pay that to try it out. While on our trip I came across the smaller version for $54.99 and decided to buy it. And yesterday I used it for the first time.


Actually, I am totally joking. It hardly hurt at all. In fact I kind of wanted to try my bikini line and armpits too but decided I was getting a little hair ripping out crazy and just stuck with the legs. I don't know yet if it is an improvement on shaving. I don't think I will know for a little while yet. I am supposed to epilate once a week to start with. As it didn't take long I don't mind that idea. There were a few sensitive areas on my skin but that could also be due to the sores from scratching (totally disregarded the warning about not doing it on broken skin or consulting a doctor if pregnant. Frankly, I am sick of these companies telling pregnant woman to constantly consult a doctor. Umm, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine, but thanks for covering your butts.

So that is my story for today. I survived epilation and plan to continue doing it and see if the results are better than those from shaving.

In other news my OB/GYN is back in 10 days and then I can make the appointment to find out a little bit more about this person inside me.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Too cute for words

That is my daughter. She is still at the stage that even her fits are cute and it takes all my man power not to smile when she throws herself upon the floor in protest because I am being "mean".  Today it is the two of us again. Back to normal. And everything I do she must do with me. Yes, it makes certain tasks take twice as long but I love her expressions and chatter. Even as tiring as sharing my water bottle gets I would not change any part of her little personality (or big personality).

Right now she is seated beside me, singing and playing with the blanket that is over both our laps. Every once in a while she reaches over and tries to help with my typing even though she knows my keyboard is off limits. Before I even have a chance to correct her she often rips her hand away and smacks the pillow in anger.

Yesterday she held her fork in both hands and stabbed her pancake while saying, repeatedly, "die, die, die"

All these things, even when slightly distributing, are moments that remind me why I am a mother and why I am a stay at home mother. For me, it would be awful to have her discover all these new things and develop under someone else's gaze. I am not saying this to make those who cannot stay at home feel guilty but rather to remind myself not to feel guilty about staying home.

You see, in today's society if a woman doesn't embrace the feminist movement, control or at least 50/50 the purse strings, have a career, or even place her kid in daycare she can often be viewed as less of a woman. Because it is my "right" to have a career many woman believe it is some how letting down womanhood to choose not to have one but rather be old fashioned and stay at home.

I am not saying having a career is wrong for a woman. And I am thankful women can work outside the home now and things have changed. But it is not for everyone. Just because I have chosen to stay at home with my daughter instead of going back to work doesn't make me less of a modern woman. It just means I have different priorities. I am thankful that I can stay at home and even if it means giving up the extra cash it is worth it for me.

So, if you are a mother feeling guilty for not bringing in the money, stop. The moments you have with your child/children is far greater than any monetary gain you might receive from having a job outside the home.

Sunday, 16 October 2011


Well, so much for blogging on the trip. Way too late of nights! Thankfully besides yesterday our mornings started at around 9 or later.  Have I ever mentioned how much I appreciate having a child that sleeps in?

Here is the trip


I know I already blogged this day but I forgot to mention on really big highlight of the day. We went to "elements on the fall" restaurant for our lunch and it was fantastic. Our table was right beside the fall and the food was presented so pretty on our plates with fresh fruit for garnish. Which was good for Hadassah! We also enjoyed an amazing Spinach and Artichoke dip with Asiago cheese and flatbread. Mmmm... If you ever go you must try to go there. But make a reservation. If you do they will try to get you a window seat. Website

Day 3

we finished up our Adventure Pass by going to The White Water Walk along class 6 rapids. We headed to Toronto then and stopped at a little Italian Restaurant called Diverso by Ferraro. We went to Casa Loma next. It is a castle like mansion full of extravagant finishes and has an unbelievably high tower it in.  We lost a lot of weight walking around that place. We didn't have a lot of time to explore but we did manage to see everything though not listen to all the audio tours. The grounds were lovely and I wouldn't mind going back just to sit in them for a while and gather inspiration.

We found a parking lot near the CN Tower and walked down to Lake Ontario. We then headed to the Tower for our fine dining experience in the 360 Restaurant. Loved it. I had purchased two meals through Airmiles for Matt and I. We got a bowl of Borsch, my first time ever having it, bread and butter, tender, tender chicken with beans and potatoes and then a heavenly chocolate mousse desert. Combined with the vivid lights of Toronto below us as we slowly turned it was worth every Airmile point spent!  Hedy pruchased her own meal and quite enjoyed her steak and choice of desert. It was quite late by the time we got back to our hotel but definitely worth it.

Day 4
Gone was the hot, good weather. It was still warm but rainy! We went to the Butterfly Conservatory and the Bird Aviary in the morning then ate leftovers at our hotel for lunch. Matt wasn't feeling well so we just stayed there for a while until evening and then went to Clifton Hill to ride on the Sky Wheel, do a mirror maze and check out the Wax Museum. We had a light supper at TGI Fridays and then went back to the hotel for bed.

Day 5
This was the only day we got up early. My sleepy roommates weren't stirring so I finally poked Dassa until she woke up. Then everyone decided it was time to get up. And a good thing to as on our way to the Toronto Zoo an accident happened just moments before us up the road. After a short time waiting we decided to be brave and find a way around the accident. Which we were thankful for when we found out it had shut the highway down for hours! We made it to Toronto Zoo and had a wonderful day there. It was cooler but not cold and never got any of the promised rain thankfully. The zoo grounds are beautiful and the falls colours were in their full glory. In the short time we had we managed to see most of the zoo and did a lot of walking.

We then headed to Medieval Times. Matt and I have been before in Orlando but this was Hedy's and of course Dassa's first visit. Okay, I'll admit it, this was my fourth time. Because I had found a good discount ticket I splurged for us to have the VIP seating so we were right in front. Hadassah enjoyed most of it and for a 2 hr show was really quite good. She had a few temper moments like when I wouldn't let her down to go see the horses or let her throw my food or let her bang me with the cheering banner we had.... I know, I am so mean. But her fits were always short lived and quickly forgotten. I am slightly concerned that her favorite parts were the fighting and other tense moments. This was another late night but well worth it.

Day 6
Our relaxing day. We got up slowly, got ready slowly and then headed to The Secret Garden Restaurant. It wasn't bad but it and TGI fridays were definitely our meh dining experiences. We then when to Fallsview Waterpark. I had a pregnancy meltdown in the changeroom. Before we left I found out the shorts to my swimming suit didn't fit so I grabbed the swimsuit I had used during my pregnancy with Hadassah. But, I am apparently not as large in the chest and of course everything sags down now. I looked awful and if you have ever been pregnant you know that once in a while you just need to fall apart. Poor Hubby tried to help by searching for safety pins and only coming up with elastics. He then tried to send his mother in... Apparently he is clueless and has not learned that when your wife is a bawling mess, threatening to spend to whole time in the change room the MIL is not someone she wants to see. So ashamedly I sent her from the room. She understood as a fellow woman and as she is truly a wonderful person. Finally, after I got control of myself, we decided I should just wear my tank top over the offending bathing suit... And honestly, I forgot about it shortly after and did have a good time. Dassa loves the water and they had a little kiddy slide that she loved. She was so proud of herself when he learned she culd climb the stairs and go down it all by herself. MIL and Hubby are not as laid back as me and I think sometimes I really test them when I allow my daughter to do these things on her own... or let her go under the water before helping her stand up. At five we finally called it a day even though Dassa was not ready to go. But her screeching for the water and slides was quickly forgotten as usual.

We dined at Napoli's italian resteraunt. It was our last hurray and fabulous. We enjoyed every bite and if you ever go to Niagara Falls you must go there if you enjoy Italian food. It is an authentic Italian restaurant and definitely worth checking out. I would have ate there a few more times if it hadn't been our last night there.

Day 7

We got up at 3:00 Toronto time, drove to Toronto, flew out at 7:30 and then landed 3.5hrs later at 9:00 Alberta time. We hopped in our van, drove to Ikea for breakfast and to pick up Dassa's toddler bed (Which is indefinitely out of stock!) and then headed on home. We got into Dawson around five our time and I went to bed at 7:00 as I couldn't keep my eyes open one moment longer. But everyone was home safe, sound and happy so all and all it was a fun and wonderful trip.

Today I am just recovering and doing laundry!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Today was apparently a record busy day. Most likely due to the record high temperatures for this time of year. It didn't seem too hot as we spent the whole day at the falls. We did the Adventure Pass and I must say that of the three parts we did today Maid of the Mist was my favourite. Dassa loved Niagara's Fury 360 show. She did not appreciate the Maid of the Mist as she was sleeping in the Bjorn when everyone let out a whoop and startled her awake. She awoke only to find herself surrounded by the dreaded plastic poncho. They are quite evil apparently.

All in all it was an excellent day. I am feeling my lack of sleep and must sign of to get some rest.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Everyone loves Marineland!

... except for the protestors we drove past to get in. Yes, we ignored them and went anyways. At the gate we were met with Marineland employees who gave us brochures on why the animals are not in torment... but let's start at the beginning.

We arrived in Niagara falls at 2am Toronto time. Hadassah traveled like a pro. I didn't even have to resort to cracking open her 'trunkie' to occupy her. And she also slept for an hour or so during air turbulence.

Today she continued on in her superstar behaviour. As I mentioned we went to Marineland, We ate a picnic lunch first thing and then headed to see the attractions and animals. I was proud of my MIL who went on the Sky Screamer with Hubby. She is one brave senior (she got the senior rate at Marinland so for today she was a Senior.

Hadassah was able to go on a few kiddies rides. This was great because the midway at the fall fair in town does not let the kids on any rides if they are under 36'. For my 30" daughter it is going to be a while before she gets to experience those rides. There was even a kid's roller coaster she could go on. Which the little speed junkie loved! When my photos are uploaded I will get pictures on here.

Dassa's other favourite was the underwater viewing areas. She loved watching the Belugas swim about. It was definitely worth bringing her and sharing this experience with her. Just because she won't remember doesn't mean we won't and it doesn't mean she didn't thoroughly enjoy it.

After Marineland the toddler had her only nap of the day for 1/2hr in the car and then we went to the Rainforest Cafe for supper. I love eating there and apparently so does my daughter because she polished off a lot of food! We walked to the falls to see it lit up at night and then headed to the Guinness World Book of Records Museum. Now we are in bed ready for a good night's sleep and hopefully as wonderful tomorrow as today.

Did I mention that today it was in the high twenties? Yes, that is right. Hot and wonderful. A last taste of sunshine before winter. Yes, I said winter.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Packing, laundry, blogging instead of packing.

Tomorrow my husband, daughter, mother-in-law and I leave for Niagara Falls. And I have so much to do I am doing what I usually do when I feel overwhelmed... procrastinating. It is an awful trait and the only way to get over it is NOT to procrastinate. Obviously I need more will power in this area.

The trip was my idea. I had my usual itchy feet to travel and even though we haven't got our investment from the sale of our previous home I just had to book this trip. Dassa, my daughter, is free right now to fly and for most things and I am not so huge that traveling is uncomfortable. I don't know when the next vacation will get to be.

 Hadassah just came from her room with the Calico Critters bride and groom dolls that graced my wedding cake. she is making them kiss and very exaggerated kissing noises.  At least they are

So, the cats and farm are being watched by a young man who I still see as being a small boy. But he has a full time job, is over six feet and 19yrs old. The puppy is at my mother's place and I am "packing."

I hate packing. But worse than packing is unpacking. The one downfall to travel. Thinking about after the trip.

But enough of that. I must get off my rear and start packing. Honestly, I think the whole point of this post was to motivate me to start packing... I apologize to my readers suffering through it.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Busy avoiding a poopy bum.

A few months ago my darling daughter pooped in potty. She would sit and poop and sometimes pee in her potty then put her arms out that she was done. We then cheered and clapped over her accomplishment. (ah, to be young and bowel movements in the toilet be "cute"). Then she got sick and we lost the toilet training we are working on. In fact, if she is having trouble pooping all I have to do is put her on the toilet and voila, she poops after I take her off and get her diaper back on.

Now, I am not worried. My daughter isn't even two yet. But for quite a few months I rarely had to change those vile toddler poops. I got spoiled. But children don't always do what we want. And sometimes, I find for myself at least, I think they purposefully do the opposite of what we want. While this can be true... it isn't always. Yes, kid's are smarter than we often give them credit for but I know, as a reasonable adult, that my child doesn't poop her diaper just because mommy has to change her then.

What an interesting post this is after not blogging for a time.  Once again, I planned for my blog to be deep and meaningful, even profound. Instead I talk about my daughter's poopy bum.  And enough talk, time to deal with it.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

"insert something witty, clever or profound here"

I hate coming up with titles. In fact, I despise it. When I spent time writing stories my least favorite part was coming up with a title. Some people seem to have a gift for it. In fact, I considered stealing a friend's idea (but changed slightly) as all her titles are interesting and follow a theme. But, I decided as she does read this blog she might notice. And you other two friends who also read these blog would notice.

I do have many things to blog about besides the unimaginative titles to my blog posts but I am still forced to using my iPhone thanks to incompetent country Internet (thank-you Internet provider for going down right before the weekend) but I suppose I can't complain. A Year ago I did not have this handy little tool that allows me online so long as I have cell service.

So now that I have talked about two random topics I will talk about something a little deeper.

Today I attended a funeral for my great-uncle and also grandfather to a close friend. We knew he was dying and we were so thankful he made his peace with God and yet it still is sad to say good-bye. Looking at the little programy thing was sad for me for another reason. There on the list of predeceased siblings was my own grandmother. As time passes a lot of her siblings have passed away and each time it is a reminder of losing her for me. You see besides her brother who died during WWII my grandma was the first to pass away. She was not the oldest and I remember feeling how unfair it was. Since then more have passed as is inevitable as we grow older. Some to cancer and some to plain old age. And yet there is so much to be thankful for. She was in a family of 15 children and they all stayed surprisingly close despite the number of kids. I do feel for those left behind though as I think they can't help but wonder who among them will depart this world next. It is such a reminder to me what it must be like to be growin older and watching your generation pass around you. It is really a morbid thought but after such a day it can't be helped. Death is a large part of life.

That is why I am thankful I have a hope in an eternal life. If this was it I am afraid I would despair. Everything must come to an end. But today, I saw what was one man's end was really just the beginning to his eternal life. Today he is in Heaven and is seeing his sister, my Grandma, and fellowshipping again.

And I can only imagine her words to him are something of the sort: "Glenny, you just got in by the skin of your teeth but it is sure good to see you here."

Friday, 30 September 2011

RLS - just another trial

Once again, typing on my iPhone. So there may be odd mistakes or completely wrong words thanks to auto-correct, my nemisis.

If you know what RLS stands for than you most likely suffer from it. Restless Leg Syndrome for those who don't. I've had it for as long as I can remember but I didn't always know it actually had a name and others struggled with it. I don't have it very bad. There are people that take medication for it. The only time I really can say it is bad is when I am pregnant. And then you can't take anything.

For those of you who don't know what it is, basically it is what it is called. And it is usually worse at night when you want to fall asleep but your legs make you feel like you are going crazy. When it is really bad nothing helps besides getting up and walking around which is hard to do when all you want to do is sleep.

But I have found something that helps me anyways. A massage pillow or cushion that viberates. If it is one of those neck pillows you place it between your calves and turn it on. I discovered this in my first pregnancy. Unfortunately I killed two of those babies. Well this pregnancy it started again when I hit my second trimester. It started to become more than the usual once in a while suffering. And there were no massage neck pillows to be found. So my husband bought me the back massage ones that have heat. This baby is ten times better! All I have to do is lay it under my legs, plug it in and go to sleep. It doesn't shut off so if the restlessness leaves in the night I just turn it off on one of my many pee breaks. The downside? Apparently it will drive your spouse from the bed to the couch. Which later on might not be a bad thing when I am feeling huge and want more space at night in our bed!

So there you have it. An outlet to a condition that causes the sufferer to lose much needed sleep.

I know This was not a very deep post but I hope it helps at least one other person find relief from RLS.

And for my faithful friends. Thank you for your prayers. After some gravol and iv fluids last Night I am on the mend.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Middle of the night ravings.

It is 3:21am right now and I'm lying hear filling quite I'll. What started as stew induced indigestion has ended with several hours of me once again worshipping the porcelain throne. And the indigestion persists. At this point I am convinced that this is beyond baby sickness and is rather a flu that Hubby brought home to me. The sneezing, chills and inability to sleep seems to confirm this.

My next post was started so many times in my head and none of them were going to be about being sick. Or typed with my thumbs on my iPhone. But here I am, king both. my mind is filled with unanswered questions about tomorrow. If I do have the flue how am I going to cope tomorrow with my suddenly overly hyper toddler? Cook supper? Take care of the puppy? Unpack? my husband has already had a sick day this week. It was a sore throat and as I seem to usually avoid colds or take weeks to actually come down with one I wasn't concerned. Of course he didn't tell me up his vomiting co-workers.

Alright, I'll be honest, he probably did but I am not the type of person to wait around expecting to get sick so I don't think about it until it happens.

Where was I? Oh, my blog has malfunctioned and I cannot see as a type because it keep jumping to the top. This is not a good thing when using an iPhone.... Well, i see that my complaining post is going to be cut short. I will try to have something happier to report tomorrow!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Well, I have failed in my blogging reviews. It is so much easier to rant in my head than to type it down. I also blame being pregnant again and moving to a beautiful piece of land...

I have decided to quit Facebook and so, create a blog where people can keep updated on me and mine. I was going to send out news emails but I think that this option will be better. That way anyone wanting to stay in touch can follow this blog. For all you poor souls who stumbled across it there will not be much of interest in here. Some days I may rant and some days it may just be me telling you a bear meandered into my yard and I shot him with my husband's shotgun... And we feasted on bear meat for month (no this did not happen... well the shooting and feasting part.)

So, welcome to my blog. I am terrible at names and am sorry I could not think of anything more clever. I hope to post pictures but probably only after I figure out if there is an app for that on my iphone. I am sure there is.

 Let me bring you up to date. I currently am living on a peaceful hobby farm located only 15 minutes from the bustling city (it really is) of Dawson Creek. I am married to a wonderful man who probably will not be reading this blog so I can say what I want about him. We have one very cute daughter who is 20 months and are expecting our second child no later than February 10 (by c-section so no guessing there). We do not know what we are having yet but plan to find out. That is a whole other post for a whole other day.

I own three horses. Two are Thoroughbreds mares and one is TB/Hanoverian cross gelding. We own two cats, my husband's fat cat, Cleo (she really isn't fat anymore but she'd like to be) and my disturbed cat, Tirzah. We also have a new family member, an Australian Shepherd puppy named Logan (think X-men and think of my other blog... makes sense).

Thanks for dropping by and feel free to stay for as long (or as short) as you like!